Friday, March 9, 2012

Is it possible to get permanent amnesia?

Okay, I'm writing a book, and it's about a girl who gets into a cheering accident, and she gets amnesia. Is it possible for an eighteen year old girl to get permanent amnesia with only very few memories coming back? Oh, and if anyone has any ideas for a title, I would be happy to hear them. The girl falls in love with her best friend in it, and dumps her quarterback boyfriend. Help please! Thanks in advance!Is it possible to get permanent amnesia?
yes, it happens. If you're writing a book with any medical anything in it, definitely do some research. Even minor research would help. And that doesn't mean asking a question like this and relying on people who may not know what they're talking about. At least read the Wiki page about amnesia if nothing else. And, yes, regardless to what teachers say, wiki is a great source. The people that write the articles typically have degrees in the area and it is regurlarly checked for errors. So, yeah, read that and maybe do a little more research if you don't think it tells you enough but you should be good after that. it possible to get permanent amnesia?
Yes, its possible. Generally would have no memories right away and then a few might come back.

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