Friday, March 9, 2012

If someone with severe Amnesia commits a serious crime and forgets, what happens?

For example they rob someone but completely forget about it after, and anything to do with the event, what happens?If someone with severe Amnesia commits a serious crime and forgets, what happens?
Nothing, you will still be charged with robbery.

If you could claim "amnesia" as a defense, there would be no need for prisons.
They still get prosecuted and held responsible for their actions.

There is no requirement that you remember committing the crime to be prosecuted.If someone with severe Amnesia commits a serious crime and forgets, what happens?
I forget....
You will still be prosecuted. The same as if you were drunk then woke up in jail and did not remember.

You could bring up the issue, but an insanity defense is based on whether you were able to tell the difference between right and wrong at the time of the crime, not afterwards.If someone with severe Amnesia commits a serious crime and forgets, what happens?
Then they go to jail but forget what it's like to be free, so they're not really missing out on anything.
They get reminded of it by the police and the court system.

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